A mantra I’ve followed for years, as a way to decide which projects to pursue, is “Do good work, learn a lot, work with good people, and have fun.” It’s carried me through many years of choices of what to work on.

“Instructions for living a life:
Pay Attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
“Death waits for me, I know it, around
one corner or another.
This doesn’t amuse me.
Neither does it frighten me.
After the rain, I went back into the field of sunflowers.
It was cool, and I was anything but drowsy.
I walked slowly, and listened
To the crazy roots, in the drenched earth, laughing and growing.”
~ Sometime, by Mary Oliver

Nancy is a professor, inspiring speaker and author.
As there are various topics with rich content that Nancy shares, she merges energy and enthusiasm to empower and embolden any audience. ​While Nancy routinely delivers custom content, her most popular topics include:
Creativity in organizations;
How working across disciplines can build your creativity;
How to spur insight and bring on aha moments.
If you are interested in learning more about how Nancy would be an ideal fit and inspiration for your audience, please reach out to us today.
Featured On
The award-winning documentary We to Me is a spinoff from the recent book that my colleague, Dau Thuy Ha, and I wrote. The Bridge Generation of Vietnam profiles several Vietnamese who grew up in the northern part of the country and experienced war as children, famine and rationing as teens, and now lead the country in business, education and government.
The film has been accepted in over 15 film festivals worldwide and was a winner in several. Jade Chase is the film’s director and an Executive MBA grad from Boise State University. He and his team are currently working on expanding the documentary into a feature film.